Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This please

For years I have been insearch of this life. A little simple mixed with a little creativity, mixed with everything peaceful.
I always argue that creative people are trapped between two worlds.
The real world and the world they wish to create.
For me, its a constant battle and struggle. So much to the fact that I conform.
And then find the midst of  a world of black wool suits, polka dot ties, pencil skirts, and financial reports.
When I would much rather be laying on a boat in the middle of a lake hidden between two mountain peaks eating a homemade turkey sandwich and drawing animals out of the clouds.
The irony of this is that moments prior to seeing this video,
I re-enrolled myslef into a few more years of ill fittings mens suits, scholastic achievement and the over exposure of my brain to education.
In two years I'll have a Masters Degree in Psychology and in three more perhaps I'll be Dr. Shann....
one thing is for sure....I'll still wish I was laying on that boat.....playing hide and go seek with the sun.

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